King Fortune Pte. Ltd. was incorporated in May 2012 and our business is mining, processing, financing and transporting minerals such as bauxite and manganese ore etc mainly to China market. We purchase physical commodities and transform them into customised products that meet the requirements of our customers through our our structured and trade financing solutions, shipping and transportation services as well as our price risk management system by hedging.
All material risks to our business are assessed with consideration of the potential safety, environmental, community, reputational, legal and financial impacts and we ensure our decision-making is based on valid data.
Sustainability is a core part of our strategy and we believe that investing in sustainability is investing in our future. We put health and safety first, we are environmentally responsible, we respect human rights, and we support host communities.
Our corporate purpose is to create long-term shareholder value through the discovery, acquisition, development and marketing of mineral resources. We aim to become world’s first class commodity producers, processors and traders. We value open relationships and communication based on integrity, co-operation, and mutual benefit, with our customers, governments and society.
King Fortune Pte. Ltd.成立于2012年5月。我们的业务包括开采、加工、融资,并将矿产品诸如铝土矿、锰矿运输到中国。通过我们的结构性贸易融资解决方案、海运和物流服务以及对冲等价格风险管理系统采购商品,并将其转换为满足客户需求的定制化产品。
圭谷设计签约King Fortune网站建设项目,圭谷设计(硅谷设计)主要提供青岛网站建设、青岛网站维护等高端网站业务,咨询电话:13805329405/QQ:3120417613欢迎来电洽谈。